Thursday, October 16, 2008
I have faith on You
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Thursday, October 16, 2008 8 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Sometimes spamming in Yahoo Messenger is good in some particular ways. Here is one way when it gives benefit to one who read the contents:
Betapa juapun kita harus percaya, bahawa kebaikan juga yang menang. Sebab asal-usul kejahatan kita bukan jahat, hanya baik semata. Kalau kejahatan pernah menang, hanyalah lantaran dorongan nafsu. Bila nafsu telah reda, kebaikan jualah yang kita junjung. Sebab itu hendaklah kita percaya hidup penuh dengan Iman dan baik sangka kepada Tuhan. Itulah Falsafah Hidup." HAMKA
Andai Islam seperti sebuah bangunan usang yang hampir roboh, maka akanku berjalan ke seluruh dunia mencari jiwa-jiwa muda. Aku tidak ingin mengutip dengan ramai bilangan mereka, tapi aku inginkan hati-hati yang ikhlas untuk membantuku dan bersama membina kembali bangunan usang itu menjadi sebuah bangunan yang tersergam indah - Imam As-Syahid Hassan Al Banna...I got the spam from my friend in UTP. I think it is much better than the chain letter who told the reader to pass around the letter or any message otherwise something bad will happen to them or you'll get something good unexpectedly. I totally disagree with this kind of message. Eventhough the purpose is for good manner but it can be something else.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Saturday, September 20, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Current crush

Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Tuesday, September 16, 2008 3 comments
Labels: funny
Tension giler malam ni Ya Allah..
- Makan megi tomyam sekali 3 bungkus terus
- Telan tylenol 4 biji..niceee
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Tuesday, September 16, 2008 2 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Iklan Mc'Donald - Euro 2008
"What girl want a kaki bola?"
I hope there is cute girl like kaki bola like in the adv.
Nak awek cmtu boleh? Boleh teman tengok bola. Tapi bukan kat McD la. Kedai mamak aka maple. Tak best la fries. Mee goreng mamak and roti sardin are preferable.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, September 07, 2008 2 comments
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Just a thought
Satu hari ustazah masuk kelas. Macam biasa. Nak ajar Pendidikan Islam. Tapi sebelum itu ustazah bagi tazkirah ringkas.
Merendahlah diri serendah mutiara di lautan dan tuntutlah ilmu setinggi bintang di langit.Itu sahaja tazkirah ustazah tapi yang paling saya ingat sampai ke hari ini dan InsyaAllah sampai ke waktu saya kembali kepadaNya.
Betullah kata pepatah Melayu: Ikutlah resmi padi, makin berisi makin tunduk. Jangan ikut resmi lalang, makin berisi makin tegak.
Pernah suatu hari, saya bersembang dengan seorang kawan (seriously tak ingat siapa). Tapi apa yang saya dengar dari kawan saya itu dia kata sebenarnya manusia ini apabila dia semakin berilmu, dia akan semakin merendah diri.
Maka, fahamlah saya yang manusia ini jikalau hendak dinilai tahap ilmunya, lihatlah ke dalam dirinya. Bukan luarann, tapi tenung dengan mata hati. Sememangnya hakikat menuntut ilmu itu apabila semakin banyak dipelajari, semakin banyak benda yang tak diketahui.
Semakin dalam mutiara itu di dalam lautan, semakin berharga nilainya. Maka, belajarlah merendah diri. Bintang sudah sememangnya sangat jauh dari manusia. Maka, tuntutlah ilmu setinggi tu.
Renung2kan dan selamat beramal.
p/s: tengah boring..
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Saturday, September 06, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Islam
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Fall 2008 - Sophomore already
Nervous2.. tomorrow is the first day for the Fall 2008 semester. I'm gonna be in sophomore year.
Look ahead for a better achievement in everything and pray for the good way of life. InsyaAllah, everything will gonna be smooth.
Good luck everyone in everything you do.
"Life is interesting if there is problem interrupt but it could be more interesting if we take the problem as a challenge and manage to solve it. There is only one way to solve it. PATIENCE."
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, August 24, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Boneca - Cela
Rabak mata ku
Pena menari-nari
Tinta berdarah
Kata membara-bara
Masanya ku bernafas
Ini terakhir kali
Puas sudah ku sesak
Dalam dunia sempit
Dulu tersungkur
Kini berdiri
Kau bermain api
Kini ku bakari
Dulu menunduk
Kini ku celik
Kau bermain api
Engkau mahu sempurna
Engkau jadi sempurna
Biar aku bahagia dengan cela ku
Engkau mahu malaikat
Turun dari kayangan
Biar aku bahagia dengan cela ku
Tidak engkau cermin saja
Diri mu yang sempurna, mempesona
Ku bahagia dengan cela
Tidak kau bercinta saja
Dengan diri mu yang sempurna, mempesona
Ku bahagia dengan cela
Siapa yang mampu mencapai mahu mu
Bilamana kau juga seorang manusia?
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Friday, August 15, 2008 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
Montgomery State Park - Awesome picnic
I wish, I could have more picnic like this. It was just like usual picnic with food, drinks, paddling boat, fishing, and BBQ. But may be this time, I felt like this picnic provide me a big relief to escape from all the academic stuff or whatsoever study material. Hurm.. I wondered something. Weekend is not study day. You should throw away your book (not for real la) and get a life. And for me, I guess, I could do better in my exam if I get a happy spent weekend.
Here we go some of the pictures taken during the picnic:
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Friday, August 01, 2008 9 comments
Labels: friends
Thursday, July 24, 2008
No Idea #1
Malas nak menulis sebab tidak ketahuan apa yang hendak ditulis
Busy? Mungkin.. Sengsara untuk Math.. Bersusah2 dahulu..bersenang2 kemudian..
Penat? Agak.. Fikir masalah umat (tiru ayat Ustaz Rahmat Abdullah dalam filem Sang Murabbi)..hehe.. penat dan letih tengok politik Malaysia..macam2..yang sorg cakap camni yang sorg cakap camtu lak...minyak oh minyak..kenapa la engkau mahal sangat sekarang
Seronok? ada juga..hurm..sebab dah nak habis kami nak pergi jalan2..InsyaAllah.. I come..
Happy? ade2..banyak la reason to be happy..and hidup memang kena always happy2..
Cuak? Math 198..Differential Equations..haih..dah nak final dah weyh.. wake up Ganu.. jangan malas2..
Bola? Sedang improve skill defensive untuk menjadi defender sehebat Sergio Ramos dan Carlos Puyol ( 2 2 orang ni rambut diorang smart)
Friendster? active je sentiasa..stalking2 orang..hehe..
Awek? single and not ready to mingle..kah3..
Benda2 yang currently interested? Alamak..xde la..dah lama tak membeli belah kat Amazon..
Menunggu2? July 2009.. balik Malaysia..yahooooo...
Ape lagi eh.. tu je la kot short update.. Alhamdulillah everything is going well.. tapi down jugak sebab kantoi test DEq aritu..haih..Doa2 kan saye dapat A ye..
Jalan yang kutempuh sememangnya sukar, tetapi pertolongan dan janji Allah itu pasti..InsyaAllah
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Thursday, July 24, 2008 5 comments
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Being Tagged
After quite a long time I didn't update my blog, today I got to update it since I've being tagged by Fadheface..anyway thank to Fadheface because give me the reason to update my blog and of course the entry as well. Here we go..
7 FACTS about me
:: Name - Muhammad Firdaus Bin Omar
:: Agak jarang orang panggil Firdaus sebab name glamour
:: Tak suke tido, tak suke makan..=P
:: Love sports espcially soccer and rugby
:: Tak berape nak power maen process nak improve
:: Layan sume citer tapi paling layan drama melayu (drama bukan movie sebab movie mlyu typical sangat)
:: Hobi baru - memasak dan memancing
7 things that FRIGHTENED me
:: Allah
:: Losing Family, and friends =(
:: Lupe ape yg dah belajar
:: Dibenci orang
:: Bab2 mati
:: Tak berape nak tenang depan pintu goal (sebab tu maen defender)
:: Tak dapat teman hidup..=P
7 SONGS for the mean time
:: Creep-Radiohead
:: Cinta Antara Kita-Duta feat. Baizura Kahar
:: Ummiku Sayang-Soutus Sofwa
:: Can't take my eyes of you-Muse
:: Takdir dan waktu-Mega
:: I'm yours-Jason Mraz
:: Schnuffle - Bunny song
7 PHRASES always said
:: Damn it
:: WTF????
:: Sengal
:: Come on la
:: Tak gitu?
:: (kata sifat) b**i ah..
:: Haaaaa
7 VALUABLE things for me
:: Family
:: Friends
:: Laptop
:: Xbox (currently)
:: Car (currently)
:: Vandy card
:: Notes yg disalin semasa class
7 FIRST TIMES in my life
:: 890722-08-6115
:: Being abroad (US jauh sangat la pulak)
:: First time mancing kat US terus dapat ikan..wahahaha..
:: Road Accident mase naek moto ngan Jawe blik dari Seksyen 16 maen futsal..sori la Jawe
:: Dpt makan birthday cake sendiri (tu pon mase PAVE)
:: Having my own car and xbox console..yeaayeaahhh
:: Masak nasi..kat US (before ni x penah..)hahaha..
7 Lucky ones to be TAGGED
:: Ainil
:: Jawa
:: Zulisk
:: Naufal
:: Mohaimin
:: Emir Al-Bukhalil
:: Anis Azmani
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's ark
I found this picture when I read Muhtar Suhaili's post in his blog about his duty at the offshore,
When I read the eleven descriptions about this picture, I start to think and realize that those are so true. Everything that we need to know about our life, Allah shows it in the way of His creature or something that happened in the past and everything about this is stated in Al-Quran. Subhanallah. One of them is about the Noah's ark. At the age of 19 years old, I just start to realize about this thing. The things that I knew before were only about what happened, when it was happened, who are involved and why this thing happened.
Everything happen for a reason. I think there are thousands of meanings behind this Noah's ark story but those eleven descriptions are enough for me that it is related to human being's life generally and my life specifically.
"No matter the storm, when you are with Allah, there's always a rainbow waiting"
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Saturday, April 19, 2008 4 comments
Labels: myself
Sunday, April 6, 2008
They are my family
Hari ni penat. maen bola pastu ade usrah. tapi tu yg buat life aku jd best. may be typical sangat. ye la- sume org wat bnd yg same- g class, wat hw, quiz, test, maen bola tak pun g rec, lyan youtube, usrah. ckup la stakat tu dulu. hidup yg seronok. walaupun academic aku x stable sgt so far, tak pe la. tu cerita laen.
bler tgk blik gmbr2 yg lepas2, rase cam best. aku check satu2 gmbar, zoom maximum punyer.'m too far from my family but wait, i got my family here. this 19th June, genap la setahun ktorg kat bumi US ni. hopefully aku dh
sikit grown up.
Jumaat malam, as usual Chaffin 116 jadi port lepak. tapi mlm tu agak laen. topik sembang simple tapi serius. Pelik. Agak terkejut. Bukan aku sorg yg rase cmtu. kwn2 aku pon. tapi masing2 wat dunno sbb xbrni kate pape. Aku teringat usrah ringkas Asan MIT mase satu usrah online ni. Berkatalah yg baik2 atau pun lebih baik diam. aku tak tau hujung pangkal cerita. aku nak tau tp takut. Teringat pulak aku kat Ammar nye blog. Ammar kate kite kena bersangka baek in any situation. Betul jugak.pasal cerita tu, aku x tutup, aku hold dulu. aku doa2 kawan2 aku happy, study ok, hidup dalam redha Allah. kdg2 rase sdeh sbb diri yg tersangat la lemah dan emotional nye. pernah dulu mase kat taiping teringat satu masa ni. Fahmi member baek aku (skang kat Maktab Perguruan Perlis, on the way nak jd cikgu. Alhamdulillah Allah perkenankan cita2 die tu.) Fahmi ni perangai standard2 aku je mase skolah dlu. bese la asrama. kdg2 ponteng prep, sbuh x g surau walopun aku prefect. tp bnd2 tu yg jdkan hostel life tu best. mase tu nak wat tayangan pasal Palestin kat surau. Fahmi, Naqi, Ammar ngan Mujahid in charge. dorg jumpe la sorg hamba Allah ni. nak mntak LCD. tp yg menyedihkan hamba Allah ni boleh ckap kat Fahmi ngan Naqi yg kalo nak berjuang untuk Islam, apetah nak bercakap soal Palestin, cermin diri dulu. tengok perangai mcm mane. ilmu cukup ke tak. tapi pantas Mujahid membantah. Mujahid counter balik ape yg org tu ckp kat fahmi ngn Naqi. Mujahid kate kalo nak berjuang untuk Islam, nak tegakkan Islam, tak perlu ilmu yg tinggi2. tak perlu kena berserban berjubah (tapi serban dan jubah itu sunnah, tu laen citer lak). yang penting mesti ada kesedaran. dan kata2 itulah yg aku pegang sampai sekarang. Aku sangat respect and salute mereka ini. Aku x tau cam mane dorg boleh bertahan. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. itulah keyword nye. biarlah org nak ckp ape. yg mane silap patutnye dibetulkan. tapi biar kena tempat la kan. Manusia sama tapi x serupa. Mujahid, Ammar. Tolong aku. aku xde kekuatan seperti antum. Cam mane nak nasihat someone tu kalo diri aku ni pon mcm ni nye jahat. Aku x nak kwn2 aku berubah. kalo berubah pon biarla jadi lebih baik. bisikan syaitan itu sangat halus. Aku x berani. tiba2 aku rindu untuk berbual dengan antum berdua. hati ni mest jadi tenang. aku tak kan kusut2. kata2 penuh berhikmah tetapi dalam suasana ceria. itulah yang aku rindukan.
Kan best kalo dapat jadik mcm mase PAVE dulu. sume org rapat. masak same2, pegi com lab same2. sekarang pon same2 gak juz dah trase ade clique tertentu. selfish kah aku kalo aku je yg nk btol? selfish kah aku kalo sepatut nye kwn yg aku tolong aku biarkan die? jahat kah aku kalo asyik wat org terase? riak kah aku ble asyik ckp besar? emotional kah aku kalo asyik nak mrh2 org?
tak terlintas langsung nak buat org laen marah or sedih. tak terlintas pun nak kutuk2 or marah2 org. nawaituku dengan Allah. Aku gak seperti kalian semua. punye perasaan utk dijaga, tidak sempurna dan sentiasa perlu diingatkan. setakat mane la sgt nk mrh2 or tegur2 pun. setakat mane juga nak bertazkirah balik2 kutuk2 org gak. Maafkan saya. Manusia itu ade khilafnya. Tiada siapa yang sempurna.
Ya Allah, Kau permudahkanlah urusan kami, Kau berkatilah ilmu yang kami pelajari, Kau lapangkanlah dada kami, Kau terangilah hati kami ini.
Ya Allah, lindungilah kami dari godaan syaitan dan nafsu amarah kami, Kau jauhkanlah kami dari azab api neraka.
Ya Allah, berilah kegembiraan kepada orang2 yang aku sayangi. Lindungilah mereka daripada segala malapetaka dan bahaya.
Ya Allah, kurniakanlah kepada kami sifat mengasihi sebagaimana para sahabat mengasihi Rasulullah, jauhkanlah kami dari sifat iri hati, riak, tamak, prasangka.
Amin Ya Rabbal alAmin.
There is no happy ending because a good story does not have its ending
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, April 06, 2008 14 comments
Labels: friends
Sunday, March 30, 2008
New Search Engine
This sounds interesting.. It is a Muslims product.. Created by Muslim and thus, as a Muslim we have to support this good stuff. So, after this, there will be no problem anymore to us to find something about Islam (Quran verses, hadith, athaan, lecture, movie, story, blogs and etc.). And yes I admit that I still use the Google search engine but we can use both of these at the same time right? This is still a new product and need our support.
It's just a simple way for doing da'waa.. Just try it.
Here is the link
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, March 30, 2008 6 comments
Labels: Islam
Monday, March 24, 2008
"Ganu, don't repeat the same mistake. It was a big mistake during your past time. Live happily as you are now. Concentrate studying and enjoy the life to the fullest."
InsyaAllah Ainil. I wouldn't. Promise. You know me better right? Please keep reminding me. Pray for our success. Amin.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Monday, March 24, 2008 7 comments
Labels: myself
Monday, March 17, 2008
Instead of studying and doing the unfinished homework, it's better to deal with something that can give us us ultimate satisfaction. Yes. Since I didn't know what to do with this ball after all, I took its pictures. It's not a kind of artificial pictures but if that kind of thing can give happiness to me, I dare to spend my time with it. May be after this, instead of playing soccer at the Natchez field, I can play rugby. I just know how to play rugby like I know how to play soccer. I'm not even an expert though but I enjoy this game. Just like what the referee used to say before the game, "Rugby is a tough game, played by gentlemen".
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Monday, March 17, 2008 3 comments
Labels: myself
Saturday, March 15, 2008
What do you guys think about this picture? Bush with his delicious turkey. He is a president. So, no wonder he deserves for the good and huge turkey only for himself. We can deny the fact that he is the most powerful man in this world. His decision can change the world. That is Bush.
How about this man? Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Well, just like other leader, he deserves for the best food served for him. Luxury life; good food, good wearing. Yes. He is Prime Minister. Everyone is watching him. Either he likes it or not, he has to come up with good appearance. But then, I have to give my sympathy to you. The government power has been reduced by the opposition. But you can still eat that kind of food, live happily with your luxury.
How about this picture? For the first time I saw this picture, I felt like my tears came down. While people are busy with their looking for money,power,authority,prosperity, there is still a leader which I can describe as very "zuhud" and "tawaddu' ". Yes. He is also a leader. I still remember when I was young or may be not too young, I described him as a loser. I thought he always talking something bad about government. I thought he failed in lead Kelantan (at that time, I lived in Besut, border between Kelantan and Terengganu). But now, I'm not matured enough but I believe others would have same opinion with me. I don't think I am too young to talk about this matter. I saw this picture before the election, and what was in my mind is "InsyaAllah, Allah is always with the people who seeking for His help and forgiveness and the success is belong to those who applied the Islamic value in their life". I'm proud of you. I don't care about the seats that the opposition won during the election. But as a public, I'm looking for the leader with these criteria (from the picture, there are thousand of characteristic that we can describe). I ask Allah to give my country and the most important my religion, Islam good leaders so that the truth will always become true and the fake will always become fake.Wests hate him. His policy about Iran's nuclear is so strict. He even said in his speech that Israel should be demolished from the world's map and the Holocaust that was the nightmare for Jews was an Israeli propaganda and it was a myth. But this is him. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The characteristics between Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat and him were not much different from my eyes. He is the President of Republic of Iran, amongst the richest country in oil and gas industry. He deserves for a may be some kind of luxury. But that kind of thing is never happen. He just have and old car, small house given by his father, small office with no luxury table, chair or carpet, and he even bring food that was cooked by his wife to his office. MasyaAllah. Amazing. When people are looking for their future prosperity, he is busy with his work against America and Israel for what they have done to Muslims. Allah will always help you to complete your duty as Army of Allah.
From those four pictures, the main point is the criteria of a leader. As long as we follow the true path of aqidah and strengthen hold to the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, Allah will help us and make our way of life to be easy.
Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar! Allahuakbar!
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Saturday, March 15, 2008 4 comments
Labels: Islam
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Down..down sgt2..1st test dh sgt truk..ingtkan 2nd test boleh la improve..but everything is getting worse than before..dah la jauh bwh average..Ya Allah..ape nak jadi tu wat soalan die ssh sgt ke? ke mmg aku yg mmg x pndi sbjct nih? x pon sume org same pndai. aku je yg malas study. org laen stdy giler2 tp aku maen2..may be sbb tu..aku dah wat yg aku mmpu..n aku admit tu la level aku..takutnye...jadi org corot2 dlm class..malu kan..bajet power tp the fact..hampeh je..lepas ni go on je la..loser pon loser la..dh slalu sgt jd loser..nk gak jd org2 yg brjaya..frust..down..sedih..takut..sume2 yg x best la...Doc V..aku x ready lagi nk blik mlysa..jgn hntr aku balik..
Ya Allah, jika kegagalan hari semalam ini adalah jalan yang terbaik untukku, jadikanlah aku hari ini lebih berjaya dari hari semalam dan jadikanlah hari esokku lebih berjaya dari hari in.
Ya Allah, jika ini jalan yang terbaik untukku, maka Kau rahmatilah ia dan bantulah hamba-Mu yg lemah ini.
Ya Allah, jika inilah yang terbaik untukku, bagilah aku kenal erti rendah diri dan tawaddu' kepada-Mu.
Ya Allah, kau tetapkanlah pendirianku, teguhkan imanku atas jalan yang Kau redhai, jauhkanlah aku dari sifat takabbur, riak, malas dan putus asa.
Ya Allah, jika inilah yang terbaik untukku, kuriniakanlah aku kejayaan di pengakhirannya.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Wednesday, March 05, 2008 3 comments
Labels: myself
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I'm going through a hard time in my life
Ya Allah, I ask you to give us your blessing so .that we can live in the most blessed life, Ya Allah, I ask you to protect us from weakness and give us strength so that we can succeed as the best ummah in the world. Ya Allah, bless our knowledge and open our heart so that we can easily gain your knowledge, so that we can easily understand what we learn, so that we can easily memorize every versus in Al-Quran. Ya Allah, I ask you to give us calmness so that we won't feel weak, so that we won't feel lost. Ya Allah, I ask you to help Mujahidin in Palestine and elsewhere so that Israel laknatullah will be destroyed.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Tuesday, February 19, 2008 3 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Israel Laknatullah
Gaza bergelap ‘hukuman mati’ rejim Israel
BANDAR GAZA 21 Jan. – Seluruh Gaza bergelap selepas loji janakuasa tunggal yang beroperasi terpaksa ditutup berikutan kehabisan bahan bakar berikutan sekatan Israel yang mahu membendung serangan roket para pejuang Palestin.
Penutupan loji yang membekalkan 30 peratus keperluan elektrik penduduk di wilayah ini menyebabkan seluruh Bandar Gaza bergelap dan memburukkan lagi keadaan masalah yang sedia teruk di wilayah pesisir ini.
Bekalan elektrik ditutup secara rasmi pada pukul 8 malam tadi (2 pagi Isnin waktu Malaysia) dan tindakan itu akan menyebabkan krisis kemanusiaan yang mengancam nyawa penduduk.
“Kami terpaksa menutup loji janakuasa ini sebab kehabisan bahan api,” kata Pengarahnya, Rafiq Mliha.
Beliau turut memberi amaran mengenai “kesan buruk kepada penduduk, operasi hospital dan loji rawatan air.”
Rafiq memberitahu, beliau juga tidak mengetahui bila Israel akan membenarkan bekalan bahan api dibawa masuk bagi membolehkan loji janakuasa beroperasi semula.
Sementara itu pegawai Kementerian Kesihatan, Dr. Moaiya Hassanain memberi amaran, tindakan menyekat penghantaran bahan api akan mencetuskan malapetaka kesihatan.
“Kami hanya ada pilihan sama ada memotong bekalan elektrik untuk bayi di wad bersalin atau pesakit pembedahan jantung atau menghentikan kerja di bilik bedah,” katanya.
Wilayah Gaza yang mempunyai 1.5 juta penduduk yang bergantung kepada bantuan luar masih terputus dari dunia luar selepas semua pintu masuk ditutup sejak Jumaat lalu berikutan arahan Kabinet Israel yang mahu mengekang serangan pejuang.
Kilang-kilang roti turut menghentikan operasi berikutan ketiadaan bekalan tepung dan tenaga elektrik.
Pengarah Agensi Bantuan dan Kerja Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) bagi Palestin di Gaza mendesak Israel membuka semula pintu masuk dan meminta masyarakat antarabangsa membantu penduduk awam.
“Penutupan janakuasa menyebabkan seluruh Bandar Gaza dengan 600,000 penduduknya bergelap,” kata John Ging, sambil menambah, ia memberi kesan kepada semua aspek kehidupan penduduk di Gaza.
“Jika anda melawat hospital-hospital, anda akan mendapati generator yang digunakan hanya memadai untuk peralatan asas sahaja. Mereka kesejukan di semua wad, menambahkan penderitaan pesakit,” ujar Ging.
Sementara pergerakan Hamas yang menguasai Gaza sejak Jun lalu menyatakan, langkah rejim Tel Avib merupakan “hukuman mati” ke atas wilayah ini dan menggesa campur-tangan antarabangsa.
Gesaan Hamas tersebut turut mendapat sokongan Presiden Palestin, Mahmoud Abbas yang mahukan Israel menamatkan kepungan dengan segera.
– Agensi
Utusan Malaysia-Luar Neagara 22 Januari 2008
Ya Allah, "mereka"(Israel) itu terlalu kejam. Lindungilah, peliharalah, dan bantulah umat Islam di Palestin agar mereka mencapai kemenangan ke atas Israel laknatullah.
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Monday, January 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Islam
Sunday, January 20, 2008
My commercial face making..
Thank you Fish for doing this for me. I assumed that you would expect me to get mad after I looked at this picture. But since I like it because my crazy and ugly face, I post this picture to my blog. I do love it. Spontaneously acting. Should I make a dream that one day my face will gonna be on the front page of Cleo's magazine? Hurm....
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, January 20, 2008 2 comments
Labels: funny
Come back
I do apologized you guys since I was not being here since a long time. Actually I wanna come out with so many stories but I really need time to update my blog by posting new posts. Since now I've started new semester, 2008 Spring, I turn to be more busy than the fall semester. But what we've been told via Al-Quran, if we go through something with patience, at the last, the success will be ours.
I ask Allah to give us His blessing so that we can be the successful ummah in the world and in the hereafter.
Looking for a better semester, turn to be a better person, InsyaAllah..
Posted by Ganu Standoff10 at Sunday, January 20, 2008 2 comments
Labels: myself