Thursday, May 28, 2009

You are my Sunshine

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away

The other night, dear,
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried.

You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are gray.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

p/s: you know who you are

Saturday, May 23, 2009

We are the typhoon

Everywhere we go
People want to know
Who we are
Where we come from
So we tell them
We are the Typhoon
Macho macho Typhoon
Tough tough Typhoon
Beautiful Typhoon

One cheer for Typhoon

Those two pictures are Terendak Old Boys rugby players in their red and blue jerseys. God, it's been 3 years since the last time I played rugby and I never lost the eager to play it again and again. I really want to be in this team, playing with them as their teammates. How do you feel when Christiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi or Kaka play in your team as your teammate? It just too fantastic right? Well, I know they (TOB) are not at the level of those big names, but some of them are my idol since I was in Form 1. I really hope that one day I can be the player for this team eventhough it will be my last time in playing rugby. For TOB, all the best for you guys in any tournament thay you'll play on. You guys might not be well-known as MCOBA, STAROBA, VIOBA, OPA, SDAR LIONS but the team spirit that have been shown really impressed me.

p/s: the time will come. InsyaAllah.

Jalan ke Vandy (Road to Vandy)

"Perjalanan hidup Ganu seharian di MRSM Taiping"

Mula2 sembang nak lebat aje..semangat tak boleh bla..yang lain duk layan je..tangan masih consistent memegang pensel..(kuang aja Nazeera ajuk cakap aku..haha..)

Lepas tu sengih2 depan camera..mata as always la tak terbuka kalau ada camera kat depan..tangan masih consistent memegang pensel..yang si Lembu buat2 rajin..

At the end, he reached his main purpose of going to class, tidoo.. while yang sorg ni dah gugur syahid, yang lain maintain rajin..Good job..

This was part of the good memory how you can reach up till Vandy..haha..the most important thing is the memory will never being faded away and friendship will remain as good as it is till the end.

p/s: credit to Ainil for the editing and sending these great videos to me..Arigato ne..

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer updated

It is the screen shot from my laptop wallpaper. Can you see the similarity between 
those two places, my current location which is Nashville and my hometown, Shah Alam.
Finally, Nashville is having its real summer with temperature 27 up to 29 degree C outside
there. When 27 degree C could be considered as really hot here in Nashville, I don't know
how about people in Malaysia, doing their activity in 33-35 degree C. Is it super hot? 
O God. But still summer is much better than the freaking cold winter.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Influenza A H1N1

Saya antara orang di muka bumi ini yang bersetuju apabila World Healh Organization (WHO) menukar nama "Swine Flu" atau "Selsema Babi" kepada Influenza A H1N1. Bukanlah saya penggemar haiwan itu malah saya juga jijik melihat haiwan itu, tetapi terminologi "Selsema Babi" itu agak kritikal untuk sesetengah pihak.

Cukup untuk saya katakan masyarakat Melayu yang beragama Islam di Malaysia sangat sensitif dengan nama haiwan ini dan sehingga terjadinya kes selsema ini, sifat anti-babi itu semakin mendalam. 

Melalui pembacaan dan pemahaman saya mengenai selsema ini, benar ia berasal dari babi tetapi dalam erti kata mudah, nenek moyang virus H1N1 itu yang berasal dari babi. Ini bermakna untuk masa sekarang, virus itu tidak langsung merebak melalui haiwan tersebut. Tetapi di sesetengah tempat yang kes Influenza A ini digembar-gemburkan (overrated), menjadi satu trend masyarakat di sana untuk panik, kelam-kabut dan tidak tentu arah.

Walhal mereka lupa ini adalah wabak selsema. Bezanya cuma kadar merebaknya virus H1N1 ini begitu cepat dan tiada lagi vaksin untuk virus ini setakat ini. Ramai yang sedia maklum flu atau selsema biasa juga boleh membawa maut. Apa yang penting ialah tindakan pencegahan dari awal agar virus ini tidak merebak.

Mengenai 2 orang pelajar Malaysia yang baru pulang bercuti dari Amerika Syarikat dan disahkan positif dijangkiti virus H1N1, adalah tidak adil jika kita menyalahkan pelajar-pelajar tersebut. Tiada sesiapa di dunia ini yang mahu diri mereka sakit apatah lagi dipersalahkan kerana menjadi punca virus itu tersebar. Kalaulah H1N1 itu boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar, sudah pasti mereka akan mengelaknya dan tiada kes Influenza A di Malaysia sehingga sekarang.

Nashville sehingga sekarang tidak mencatat kes yang serius walaupun dilaporkan terdapat kes yang berlaku tetapi boleh diklasifikasikan sebagai minoriti tetapi tidak pula diabaikan (not important but not negligible).

Sentiasalah berdoa kepada Allah s.w.t memohon agar diri kita, keluarga, jiran-jiran dan masyarakat seluruh dunia dilindungi dari wabak penyakit ini.
"Dan Kami turunkan dari Al Quran suatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman dan Al Quran itu tidaklah menambah kepada orang-orang yang zalim selain kerugian" (surah Al-Isra':82)
Ingatlah. Allah tidak menurunkan penyakit tanpa penawarnya.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The small thing

Have you ever see something like "chenta" or "mutha"? Well, chenta = cinta and mutha = mother. Those kind of altered words are really annoying. I think it's just for me and others could accept it but I'm sorry buddies, I could not accept it. Everytime I see those kind of words, I just think that person might have some kind of problem in his or her language. Again I really apologize for that because this is just my thought and I am not in state of criticize any person.

I think everyone should read this article from It is a good article from Ustaz Hasrizal. He got his own opinion and words about using the short form in writing or messaging. In Ustaz Hasrizal case, I think he is true when he could not accept people writing in this short form and obviously when leaving comment or shoutout in his blog. My words about this is is now becoming a public blog with thousand of readers per day. So, it is so true when you deal with something publically and academically, you have to use the proper words and language so that you are in the same boat as the writer.

For me, I'm fine with those short form because it suits me as well as my friends. You don't have to write "diz" as "this" or "bcoz" as "because" when you are using yahoo messenger or any other related instant messaging program.

Everything that we have to care about is when, where and to whom we are talking to. If he is our friend, then that is fine enough since we don't want to waste our time writing the complete words but if it is something academically or involve your profesionalism to be taken into account, yes you have to know how to deal with it.

p/s: I think my writing style is strongly affected by the engineering lab report style. Too bad. hahaha..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Anggun by Bau (OST Merah Puteh)

meski hati tak rela
bila dunia tak lagi untukku
sampai waktunya aku sendiri
hidup yang ku tak pasti

langkahku terhenti
tak mampu berlari
saat tangannya digenggam
engkau lepaskan

bernafas tanpa udara
tangisku tiada air mata
kerana semuanya berlalu manghilang
dan tak akan kembali

ku cuba menutup mataku
bila ku lelah untuk hidup
namun semuanya berubah di saat engkau hadir..

kau yang anggun
kau yang telah membuat aku kembali
ke jasadku
yang telah mati dan
kau sinarku

cahaya yang terang
untuk perjalanan yang lurus ini

dunia sementara
mengejar masa itu pasti
buat aku
dan bersyukurku akannya.

p/s: Anggun is daughter of one of this band member and Dira Abu Zahar (as Anggun who is the main actress in Merah Putih)..sweet??

Sunday, May 10, 2009

10 Wasiat Imam Hasan Al-Banna

1. Dirikanlah solat tatkala engkau mendengar azan, betapapun keadaan di waktu itu.

2. Bacalah Al-Qur-an, atau telaahlah tafsirannya atau dengarkanlah orang lain membacanya, atau zikirlah kepada Allah dan janganlah engkau gunakan sebahagian waktumu untuk hal-hal yang tidak berfaedah.

3. Berbicaralah dengan bahasa Arab yang fasih, kerana yang demikian itu termasuk syi’ar Islam.

4. Jangan banyak berdebat dalam hal apapun, kerana pertengkaran itu tidak akan mendatangkan kebaikan.

5. Janganlah banyak tertawa, sebab hati yang berhubungan dengan Allah itu adalah tenang dan mantap.

6. Jangan suka berkelakar berolok-olok, sebab umat yang berjuang tidak mengenal selain kesungguhan.

7. Janganlah engkau keraskan suaramu melebihi yang diperlukan oleh pendengar, kerana hal itu menunjukkan kebodohan dan menyakitkan.

8. Jauhilah menghina orang, mencela organisasi dan janganlah berbicara kecuali pembicaraan yang baik.

9. Perkenalkanlah dirimu kepada orang yang engkau jumpai, walaupun ia tidak meminta hal itu darimu, sebab dasar dakwah kita adalah cinta dan saling kenal mengenal.

10. Kewajiban selalu lebih banyak dari yang tersedia, sebab itu bantulah orang lain untuk memanfa’atkan waktunya. Jika engkau mempunyai suatu urusan, maka selesaikanlah dalam waktu sesingkat-singkatnya.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Finally I'm done with my sophomore year but it is not a great finishing though. My grades hurt me. Naah.. I don't care. Now it's summer break. It's time to chill, playing around, watching dozen of movies or drama series everyday, and the most important thing it's time to go back home. Oh damn you Swine Flu. I hope that KLIA officers are kind enough to not putting me into the quarantine room.

Summer Trip Plan:

May - Chicago (Midwest Games - can't wait to have my picture being taken in front of the big mercury at the Millenium Park..hahaha..)

June - Nashville (Nashville Zoo???????!!)

July & August - Shah Alam & Jakarta (and too many places to be decided - TBA)

TV Drama:

Merah Puteh (TV9)
Dari Mata Arissa (TV1)

ganu is such a loser because he doesn't follow any english tv series...hahaha..I don't care. I just wanna be what I love to be  and I just wanna do wh
at I love to do.

Class of 2009 is graduating. Congratulations y'all. Have a great time. I still have two years to go.

Current wish list for Summer

p/s : If you like someone, just tell him/her that you like him/her. Well, life is just too short, you need to share and enjoy the sweet moments of your life. A happy life will lead you to become wiser and healthier..(I don't know why I'm saying this...=P)