Ni entry luahan perasaan..siapa2 rasa meluat or rasa entry ni offensive ke, no need to continue your reading.
Ok finally I'm not a teenager anymore but it's ok because the older the wiser from the bright side.
Sebenarnye tak tahu nak cakap kat siapa so better cakap kat blog la kan. Jadi gila sekejap.
Actually i'm dreaming of something. Something sweet on my birthday. Mengade2 kan??? Hahaha.. Byk sgt tengok drama kot tapi it happens in the real life. Something sweet macam someone give me a call n sing the birthday song to me or decorate e-card cantik2 n send it to me. Byk2 sbnrnye that i've seen n i think it's sweet. Hurmm ape lagi..tiba2 dapat hadiah surprise la..surprise birthday party tu tak mungkin la kan...bukan sebab orang tak buat..sebab i can expect what gonna it's not called a surprise la kan..banyak lagi la bnd2 sweet on birthday..banyak sangat kot...hadiah mungkin tak la..sebab diri sendiri pon tak bagi hadiah kat org masa fair la kan..sama la mcm bnd2 sweet tu...well it is give n's applied here..
tapi tak pe..wishes from you guys pon dah sangat2 least i know i'm still on somebody's mind..tak nak la nanti org cakap bagi betis nak peha..
thanks God because i'm in Malaysia right still dekat dengan family..ayah dah janji nak belanja makan..may be i have to wait for another 20 or 40 years so baru dapat benda2 sweet on birthday..dah tua pon tua la..janji dapat merasa kan..tu pon kalau dipanjangkan umur..
i hope one day bila dah tiba masa utk kerja..i'll be far away from people..the most suitable place is the oil platform at the offshore..kat mane2 la..tau la kan offshore..mmg terputus hubungan ngn dunia even it's your dont have to feel sad kalo xde org celebrate ke ape..sebab mmg jauh dari xyah la time tu nak ngade2 nak bnd2 sweet la..mintak penyepak la jawabnye ngan boss..haha..
may be kalau ade the other half of yours it will be more meaningful..hurmm..tak jugak kot..sebab ade jugak la case mlm2 birthday tu la bergaduh sakan..tapi still it' better to have something than nothing..again it's still not the time yet nak ade other half pulok..
kat vandy may be sweet jugak sebab ade member2 yg sudi2 masak2 sume or at least makan chillis same2 or makan ben n jerrys cake same2..haa tu pon sweet gak..
sorry kalau ade buat sape2 terasa..memang tak berniat's just from bottom of my heart..i just wanna cheer up myself on my people always say sometimes something is better to left unsaid..tapi tu la..kadang2 kena jugak pon blog la..layann..nak citer kat org nnti takut kena cop mengade la..poyo la..haha..
ok tu je la kot luahan hati orang gila untuk kali
p/s: thanks to sunbae awatif for giving me the cute birthday song n thanks guys for the wishes..
epy bufday ganu !!!!
hehe...have a sweet day....
have something sweet on your birthday??
hope its not just a dream...
ganu.. dah 20 tahun pon masih mengada2.. haha.. selamat hari jadi tua ganu... kim slm kt kembar ko gak hahahaha
wanie ~ hopefully the dream will come true
aisyah ~ heh biar la aku nak mengade..ko dpt bape ib weh? 45 aku dgr..btw sape kembar aku?
awwwwww sob3 ganu..luahan perasaan~
but the thing is,tuh bkn mngade kot tp wishes..
all ur wishes will be granted one day iA.. haha no worries la weyh~
some things are better left this thing x apply kot utk phrase tuh..
the other half?sounds familiar je
p/s: chill la kot dpt gi celeb ngn family..ish jeles2~
ko ni an baru 20 tahun.. dh lupa daratan.. x pon.. lupa ingatan huhu.. sampai hati ko.. classmate sdiri yg mrupakan best fren ko n same besday ngan ko pon ko leh lupe.. adeh.. kalau aku jadi fahmi.. leh murka ngan ko.. haha..
ib tu ape eh?
haha neway slamat bercuti ganu.. jadilah anak yg baek.. =)
ok now i know..sometimes we have to accept the fact that we're not something significant in someone's dont demand something higher or you'll end up with a dissapointment
antulapo: harap2 la umur aku panjang..tapi kalo lama mana idup pon if cmni je dah xde makna dah la..kadang2 on birthday sndri pon bole jadi spoiler..owh i'm so hopeless kan..
alaaaaa sape suh spoil~ =.="
fish baek ko bersyukur skrg time bday ko kawan2 bagi snow turun sepanjang hari.hikhik.
well ganu,
hope all the dreams will come true.
next year maybe ;)
happy bday!
alhamdulillah =)
kwn2 ak mmg suweeeeettt..heeee (n_n)
tenks la weyh..hihihihi~
Sanah hilwah ya jamil!
joyeux anniversaire... belated la tp.
Birthday celebrations isn't much eventho it's great. Sedapkan hati dgn thinking what are hv u done for the past years in ur life & what are u going to do next.
That'll be meaningful, really.
All the best!!
hapi birthday jugak!
ganu bila birthday ko senanye nih? :p
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